Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Enough Is Enough

Dear Avid Reader,
So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts
And make me ill
You're running after something that you'll never kill
If this is what you want then fire at will

-My Chemical Romance (2004). Thank You For The Venom. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.
How much is enough? Have you ever asked yourself that? What I mean is, how much money is enough?

When you look at your current balance, at what point will you look and say, "Finally. I have enough."

Is it $1,000? $10,000? $100,000?

I have decided that $0 is enough. If I can look down and see no negative sign in front of the number, I'll be happy.

I think that we walk through life saying to ourselves, "When I have enough money, I can do X." (no not the drug). Or we will say, "I just wish I had enough money. Then I'd stop worrying."

So has anyone ever sat down to put a figure on it? No. Why? Because somehow we've bought into the idea that more is not enough. So once we reach a certain point, we look up to see that there is more to be had.

And there is always more to be had.

Once you sit down and put pen to paper and settle the matter of what is enough, you find that you have enough. The desire to get "enough" is just a desire to get more. We realize that we've been chasing a ghost.

When I sit down and write the figure, it's smaller than I think. And then, the desire leaves.

The Next Post Promises To Be Better,



Blogger Tracy Batchelder said...

I have enough...more than enough really. I'm ready to have less.

7:15 AM  
Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I'm with you bocks. If I was in the black and not in the red I've have enough.

But then I'd have to have "enough" to retire I guess.

Then "enough" for a funeral.

Finally, "enough" to bribe my way into heaven.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eight, James. Eight is Enough.
Just wanted to let you know that the new slang for my hood, which is actually a hood now for real, is "up top." To put this in its proper context I will use a hypothetical situation based upon themes from your post today.
James (espousing his theory in front of my class): So all I'm saying is, the number is a lot smaller than we all think. We really all have "enough" already.
Robert (approving of this sentiment, and nodding his head) : Up top.

1:18 PM  

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